Past Webinars

February 25, 2025


12:00-1:00 P.M. ET

Issue Spotlight - Flooding:
How New England Communities are Adapting & Where to go for Funding

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With climate change leading to more heavy rain events and sea level rise, New England communities - both coastal and inland - are increasingly dealing with flooding. Hear how communities in our region are adapting to these impacts, where to go for funding for these projects, and how the TCTAC can help. Key topics include:
  • How are New England communities impacted by flooding?
  • What actions are communities taking to ensure roads, buildings, waterfront infrastructure, and vulnerable populations can withstand heavy rains and storms?
  • What funding sources can pay for these types of flood mitigation and adaptation projects?
  • What services can the TCTAC offer to support underserved communities dealing with these challenges?

February 9, 2025


12:00-1:00 P.M. ET

An Introduction to the New England TCTAC for Tribes & Native Non-Profits

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Tribes and Native non-profit organizations receive email notifications constantly about new federal, state and foundation programs. Of this deluge of email, only a few are actually relevant to tribal needs and interest. Join us for an hour to learn more about the New England Thriving Communities Technical Assistance Center, its partners, and how it can work for you and your community. This session will be facilitated by Cedric Woods (Lumbee), Director of the Institute for New England Native American Studies. Cedric has successfully pursued and received millions of dollars of federal, state, and foundation funds for INENAS, tribes, or Native non-profits. He will be joined by TCTAC partners with similar track records in their respective fields. 

January 29, 2025


12:00-1:00 P.M. ET

How to Submit a Grant Proposal

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This webinar is designed to equip community organizations and leaders with practical guidance on how to successfully identify and submit proposals for projects.

To address the unique needs and challenges faced by underserved and/or low-capacity communities, this webinar will walk participants through the submission process, ensuring that proposals stand out and meet funding agencies’ requirements. Key topics include:

  • Overview of the grant proposal process

  • Steps and timeline for grant writing: Best practices for writing and submitting proposals

  • Tips for preparing supporting documents, such as budgets and letters of support

  • Avoiding common mistakes before, during, and after the submission process

  • Tips for navigating barriers and increasing competitiveness

January 16, 2025


12:00-1:00 P.M. ET

Accessing Technical Assistance for Grant Submission

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This webinar is specifically designed to help community organizations navigate pro-bono technical assistance to secure grant funding. To familiarize communities with the array of resources, this webinar will walk through support systems and processes for organizations provided by our Technical Assistance Team. Key topics include:

  • How the Technical Assistance Center can support you before, during, and after the grant submission process

  • How to submit a technical assistance request

  • How to access one-on-one support

  • Where to access guides and templates for grant proposals

  • Upcoming webinars and office hours for continued support

December 16, 2024


12:00-1:00 P.M. ET

Introducing EPA Environmental Justice Grant Opportunities

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The EPA is making billions of dollars available for environmental, climate, and energy-related projects throughout the country.

To ensure rural and underserved communities have equitable access to this funding, join us and learn about how your organization can get help accessing and managing these funds. Key topics include:

  • Overview of EPA funding opportunities

  • A glimpse of featured funding opportunities from OCCHE and USDA

  • Understand communities and organizations eligible for these funding opportunities.

  • Tips and strategies for developing strong proposals

  • Engage with fellow participants and build connections

December 2, 2024


12:00-1:00 P.M. ET

Environmental Justice 101

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This webinar will take participants on a brief, interactive journey through the past, present, and future of environmental challenges and triumphs in the United States. Topics covered in this webinar will include:

  • Cumulative environmental burdens resulting from structural and systemic barriers
  • Disproportionate health and environmental risks and effects experienced by underserved communities
  • Grassroots organizing and policy changes leading to improved community access
  • Resources to utilize for taking action in your own community
  • Paths to integrate environmental sustainability in the future