Who is eligible for New England TCTAC technical assistance?
New England TCTAC serves communities in U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 1, which includes six states: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont, as well as federally recognized tribal nations.
We provide services to any eligible entities, including municipalities, regional agencies, nonprofit organizations, community-based organizations, and the like that requests them.
What types of technical assistance does New England TCTAC offer?
New England TCTAC offers tailored technical assistance for underserved communities.
- Direct technical assistance: Funding source identification, proposal submission assistance, grant writing support, grant review, and grant management.
- Technical consultations: Summarizing technical documents, reviewing and analyzing data, assisting with technical plan development to execute specific projects, and translating documents in non-English languages.
- Education and training: providing webinars, grant writing and management workshops, and other educational and training materials.
What environmental issues can New England TCTAC help address?
New England TCTAC can assist your community with multiple environmental issues, including:
- Environmental Quality: Waste Management; Sustainable Land Use; Water Quality and Wastewater Treatment; and Air Quality
- Energy: Infrastructure for Community Energy Resilience; Energy Efficiency and Harvesting; Communal and Household EV Charging Infrastructure; EV Micro-mobility; Clean Energy Transit
- Climate Adaptation: Assessment of Local and Regional Climate Vulnerability and Risk; Climate Adaptation Planning and Project Prioritization; Technical Expertise to Advance Adaptation Projects/Policies
- Environmental Health: Sustainable Housing; Environmental Health; Transportation; Broadband
What types of technical assistance are NOT provided by New England TCTAC?
New England TCTAC does not write grants on behalf of community-based organizations (CBOs) and individuals. It also does not administer grants or grants on behalf of organizations or community members.
Commonly Used Acronyms
- CBO - Community-Based Organization
- CCG - Community Change Grants Program
- EPA - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
- TA - Technical Assistance
- TAB - Technical Assistance to Brownfields
- TCTAC - Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Technical Assistance Center
- TCGM - Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Grantmaking Program